Speak life over your child, and bless your child
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As parents, grandparents, or guardians we have a special responsibility to speak life over our children, and bless the children that God has given us.
It doesn’t have to be formal or a long prayer, and can be said in everyday situations. It can be spontaneous, such as, “May (Child’s Name) be blessed today, and cover them with your precious blood Jesus”.
We can say this before they go to school, and before bedtime. The important thing is to ask our Heavenly Father to bless your child.
You will see a positive change in them, and it will positively change the atmosphere in your home. And sometimes, we may never know the benefits of these prayers over our children, until years later.
Besides spontaneous prayers, how can you speak life over your child, and those that you love? Here are some Blessing Tips that I find helpful:
1) The Aaronic Blessing:
This is a prayer that God told Moses to have Aaron, the high priest, pray it over the children of Israel every day. By praying this prayer, God would supernaturally place His name (His very person), on them.
They were also assured of God’s supernatural provision, divine health, and angelic protection! How amazing is this! This is a powerful prayer that I love. Friends, I would use your child’s name, or even your family members name in this prayer, and say it aloud daily.
This is not a magic formula, but a blessing where The Lord our God, the Creator of this universe seeks to bless His Children. This Blessing is available to all in Christ Jesus.
This prophetic blessing can be found in the Bible, in the Old Testament, in Numbers 6:24-26 (RSV).
“The Lord Bless you
and keep you;
The Lord make His face to shine upon you
and be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
and give you peace.”
The Hebrew version of this prayer (especially when it is sung) is awesome. Warren Marcus in his wonderful book ‘The Priestly Prayer of the Blessing’ reveals how to experience the power of this prayer over your life, over your children, and family.
This is a must read if you want to discover the true meaning of the Aaronic Blessing, and releasing Father God’s power in your life!
Friends, we can even listen to this Aaronic Benediction by Misha Goetz, while we commute to work, or while we take our kids to
2) 5 Elements of Blessing:
In their book, ‘The Blessing’, Drs. Gary Smalley and John Trent mention 5 elements when blessing your child.
Their book has helped so many parents and families. It is a way of speaking life over your child.
They talk about the life-changing and unconditional love passed from one generation to the next. Through The Blessing, children (and adults) can know that they are loved and valued. We do this through steps, first mentioned in the Bible:
1. Meaningful touch
A non-verbal affirmation such as a hug, or appropriate touch (such as a touch on the shoulder).
2. A spoken message
Verbalized affirmation and unconditional love.
3. Attaching high value
Honoring the value of the person being blessed.
4. Picturing a special future, and
A vision of the future of the person being blessed.
5. An active commitment
An unconditional commitment to the relationship.
All five of these ‘elements’ or steps helps in restoring parent-child relationships, strengthening marriages, and bonds of friendships. It also reminds us of God the Father’s love for us (Please see my post, 20 Bible Verses on God’s Love to Transform you)
Speaking blessings over your child, will release God’s best in their lives. It will speak life over your child, and their situation as well! And it will also encourage them. These truths help them know that they are cherished and loved. They will always remember these blessings, and in turn they will seek to be a blessing to those around them!
Here are images of the books I recommended above.
How have these blessings influenced your family? Please share your comments below.